sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Hoy desperté después de una semana de un intermitente, pero terrible insomnio de madrugada. Ayer, mientras Carlos con su mano abierta dormía, decidí husmear entre mis libros. En uno de mis favoritos,  The Varieties of Religious Experience, encontré un manifiesto que William James cita en un capítulo sobre la santidad. Lo transcribo abajo: 

"We forbid ourselves all seeking after popularity, all ambition to appear important. We pledge ourselves to abstain form falsehood, in all its degrees. We promise not to create or encourage illusions as to what is possible, by what we say or write. We promise to one another active sincerity, which strives to see truth clearly, and which never fears to declare what it sees.
"We promise deliberate resistance to the tidal waves of fashion, to the "booms" and panics of the public mind, to all forms of weakness and of fear.
We forbid ourselves the use of sarcasm. Of serious things we will speak seriously and unsmilingly, without banter; -and even so of all things, for there are serious ways od being light of heart.
"We will put ourselves forward always for what we are simply and without false humlity, as well as without pedantry, affectation, or pride"